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Marlowe User Filesystems

There are multiple filesystems available to end users on Marlowe.


/users/ is where a user’s home directory lives. It is directly mapped to the $HOME variable, so whenever you run cd ~ or cd $HOME you will be sent to /users/<Your-sunet-ID>.

For example, if my sunetID was bob, then my home directory on Marlowe would be /users/bob

Each directory in /users/ is unique to that user.

/users/ is backed up once every 24 hours.


/projects/ is the filesystem where all allocation project directories live.

When you are given an allocation, you are given a project ID. This project ID is also your directory in /projects/

For example: If your allocation’s project ID was m231631, then your allocation’s project folder would be /projects/m231631/

Directory quotas in /projects/ vary depending on the amount approved in the allocation.

Every user added to an allocation shares the same /projects/ folder. So bob and amy in project m231631 would both have files in /projects/m231631/, but greg in project m402630 would have files in /projects/m402630

/projects/ is backed up once every 24 hours at 9:15pm.

Here is an example:

walkthrough of finding projects directory


/scratch/ is the lustre filesystem meant (as the name implies) to be used as scratch storage.

Much like in /projects/, your /scratch/ folder corresponds to your project ID. /scratch/m231631,/scratch/m402630, etc.

/scratch/ is not backed up. Unlike /users/ and /projects/, /scratch/ is not replicated.

Allocations are given 20TB is /scratch/ by default.