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Marlowe uses SLURM, a job scheduling system, to run jobs.


Each allocation is given a project ID. This project ID corresponds to a job account on Marlowe.

One of the requirements (for accounting purposes) is for each job to be credited to a job account. If you don’t add a valid account, you will see the following error message when submitting jobs:

srun: error: ACCOUNT ERROR: Did you remember to set your account?
srun: error: Please check the Marlowe SLURM docs for info on how to set a your project account properly

How do I add my project account to SBATCH/SRUN/SALLOC?

It’s simple! There are two ways you can do it, using -A or --account=. Both accomplish the same thing and will allow you run jobs!

All accounts start with marlowe- and are followed by their project ID. So if your project ID was m223813, your account would be marlowe-m223813.

optional: enter your project ID below and click the Generate button to generate copy & paste commands with your project ID pre-filled

Here are some Examples:


srun -N 1 -G 4 -A marlowe-[Project ID] -p beta --pty bash


salloc -N 1 -A marlowe-[Project ID] -p beta



#SBATCH --job-name=test
#SBATCH -p preempt
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -A marlowe-[Project ID]
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --error=~/foo.err

module load slurm
module load nvhpc
module load cudnn/cuda12/

bash ~/

Notice the -A in each of the examples. Without it, you will not be able to submit jobs